Consumption 2023 Highlights

I re-read of all my Consumption posts from 2023 and picked out a few of my favourite bits.

I’ve generally ignored areas which are less evergreen (e.g. technological advancements), which means little on climate/energy - in part because there are so many exciting developments. I’ve also not included the many cool charts from Visual Capitalist.

Below are the highlights grouped by category. For 2024 I think I’ll group everything by category instead of by week, to make finding correlations easier.

I’ve also noted my favourite movies/shows/books etc from the year at the end of this post.

  1. Questions stimulate thinking. Even if you know you don’t know the answer, regularly ask yourself the question anyway.
  2. Don’t assume others are better than you - that they have their shit together, their opinions are all well considered, they love their life. You only see the outside.
  3. Life involves making tough decisions by yourself in the absence of good information and living with the consequences. This can be trained.
  4. “Hard times create strong men; strong men create good times; good times create weak men; weak men create hard times.” G. Michael Hopf
  5. If a talent comes naturally to someone, they assume it’s nothing special, and instead try to improve at what seems difficult to them. Therefore, people often specialize in things they’re bad at.
  6. Kleck (1980) told his research subjects they’d engage in a study to test discrimination. He painted scars on some of their faces, and then had them attend job interviews. The participants with scars painted on their faces reported feeling discriminated against for their looks. However, unknown to them, their scars had been removed before they entered the interviews. It would seem we can be victimized by the mere belief that we’re a victim.
  7. Enthusiasm leads to belief leads to action leads to results.
  8. Always have a “Honey, I’m home!” attitude, for everything.
  9. Imagine viewing a problem/situation as if you were a different person to experience different emotions and ideas.
  10. If you listen to successful people talk about their methods, remember that all the people who used the same methods and failed did not make videos about it.
  11. “I do regret the passing of what I regard as one of the great luxuries of civilisation, and that is solitude. I think those snatched moments, the 20 minutes when you’re waiting at the luggage carousel, you used to have to do nothing but go into your thoughts. Now we all take out our phone, we’ve been deprived of the signal for a couple of hours on an airplane, and maybe we don’t have quite as rich an inner life. If you get in the habit of solitude - which is an entirely different thing, by the way, to loneliness - treat your mind as a garden that you can walk around in, and I think generally leads to more happiness.” Ian McKeown
  12. Chung Ju-yung, the Founder of Hyundai, faced an insane amount of obstacles, from natural disasters to war to occupation to nationalisation. Believe anything is possible; be positive. There is plenty of time, but that doesn’t mean you can waste it. Take action.
  13. With enough time and effort you can learn anything. Everything is sales and promotion. Life (and work) should be fun. Keep the big picture in mind. There’s plenty of time - everyone has 24 hours a day. It’s all about using the time.
  14. Happiness comes after expertise is obtained.
  1. People will like you for what you can do for them. Be useful. Develop skills (through practise, which often isn’t fun). It’s doesn’t matter if you’re a “nice person”. Actions speak louder than words.
  2. In many situations, the outcome is more important than the mechanism. Focus on the action, not why it works.
  3. Impulse control and go/no-go functions: Train no-go circuitry by stopping yourself doing unconscious behaviours/habits e.g. picking up phone without a purpose, changing a plan spontaneously, grabbing a snack. Trained through meditating (”no, I won’t explore this thought right now”). Relates to sitting and focussing on one thing for extended period without any distractions (deep work).
  4. Focus/attention is the most important quality of a successful entrepreneur. Focus what you can do well, and outsource or ignore everything else.
  5. The most important skill is the ability to focus your attention on a single topic. Give yourself time to simply think. And don’t multitask.
  6. Pick one daily task/ritual and practise focussing 100% on it to train controlling your attention/awareness. Similar to meditation.
  7. Only do the few essential things. Do less, but better. Have a single big goal. Give yourself time to be bored. Give yourself time to play, for creativity.
  8. Don’t be scattered. Do the same thing every day. Repetition. If nothing else, it gets the ball rolling, removes the friction to starting.
  9. The randomness of creative success favors those who are the most prolific. Price’s Law captures this relationship in scientific output, estimating that half of the research of a given discipline will be produced by the square root of the number of researchers. So in a field with 100 contributors, ten will produce half of the published output. If every paper in the field has a roughly equal probability of being cited [Dean Simonton has analyzed the creative output of individuals across many domains and suggests an “equal-odds” rule best describes it: once a creative individual starts publishing in a field, each piece of work they produce has roughly equal odds of world-breaking impact.], these ten highly prolific authors will capture approximately half of all citations in their field.
  10. We prefer to attach creative success to a combination of innate talent, acquired ability and passionate commitment. (Yet) Over a surprisingly wide range of pursuits, creativity is productivity, and we will have more hits if we take more swings.
  1. Four steps: choose a field, learn enough to get to the frontier, notice gaps, explore promising ones.
  2. Go to a book store, which areas interest you most? Also, what did you love when you were 12? Why?
  3. Learn business skills so the techy can co-found with you.
  4. Actively keep an eye out for opportunities (helping someone, attending an event) - put yourself in the best situations to get ahead. Go to the best uni/company/location to be exposed to the best people.
  5. Life involves making tough decisions by yourself in the absence of good information and living with the consequences. This can be trained
  6. Learning how to sell/persuade is the most important skill.
  7. Put yourself out there - you never know what will happen. Create.
  8. A blog post can lead to a podcast which can lead to a TV interview which can lead to huge sales. It all starts by putting something out there.
  9. Create something of value to those you want to get to know and they will find you.
  10. Become an expert and share advice - people will come to you and offer to pay for specific advice/consulting, or affiliate sales.
  11. Where can I get paid more for the same work? Work for people/companies with more money - you are worth a percentage of the value you create for them.
  12. Our empirical results confirm these predictions as millionaires (i.e., individuals who hold high status societal and occupational contexts) were more extraverted, open, conscientious, narcissistic, and emotionally stable (less neurotic) and had a more internal locus of control. More than 60% of our millionaire sample indicated that one of their main sources of wealth came from running their own company.
  13. Get rich with no credentials: seller-financed boomer businesses; get rich with credentials: work for a big company.
  14. After tax/inflation, average S&P return is 5.4% (not ~10%), so $10,000 invested with +$3000 a year would take 52.8 years to reach $1,000,000 (based on my maths at 10% it would take just ~35 years). Most wealthy people, in reality: own a business (including social media scammy “get rich quick” schemes), very high salary, inheritance
  15. Trading time instead of output for money is a fairly modern concept, and is depressing. You can’t appear to not be working, so you have to pretend. Because of this you can’t deeply focus on something productive, such as studying something unrelated to the job you’re being paid for, or eading a book. Instead you’re limited to short, shallow consumption, such as social media, Reddit, etc. It often results in busywork or twiddling thumbs. Given we’re all going to die, wasting time in this way is an uncomfortable feeling.
  16. Street Coffee: Trading Period: 1 January to 31 December 2022 (trading 50 weeks, 5 days per week); Total Revenue: GBP £144,560; Net Profit: 40%; Debt level: GBP £0
  17. Mortgage rates were higher in the 70s/80s, but on a lower amount (both earnings multiple and monetary value). If salary = £25,000: 12% of £50,000 (2x) = 6% of £100,000 (4x).
  18. House prices have risen faster than wages, and rents are higher than mortgages. So much is going to rent then it’s impossible to buy a house. Lack of housing is not the problem. Only option is inheritance.
  19. Zombie companies: unproductive, inefficient, lacking innovation. Banks are scared of zombies defaulting on their loans, so lend them more. Governments are scared of zombies failing and increasing unemployment, so support them.
  1. Pick a point in the future where you’re both happy then work your way back.
  2. Empathy
    • Be able to state the position/emotion of the other person so deeply and clearly that they agree.
    • It seems like you’re having a tough time today (label emotions)
    • Try and arouse positive feelings in every small interaction: What do you love about?
  3. Language choice
    • Identity: “be a helper” > “please help”
    • Choice: “should” vs “could”
    • Concrete vs abstract: concrete for satisfaction (money>refund, tomorrow>soon); abstract for dreams/inspiration/funding (a “solution”)
    • Explicitly use the word “you” for social (”it’s good for you”) but not help/support (comes across as blame/accusation)
  4. Layered commands: “do A and then B” → more effective than either individually.
  5. Eliciting “no” - “do you mind if I xxx or…” → their brain automatically says “no(t)”.
  6. Take little control - e.g. rearrange table.
  7. Repeat last words (mirror) instead of “I don’t understand” or “what do you mean?” or “tell me more”.
  8. Always have more things (e.g. money, benefits, location) so you have more to offer/”sacrifice” to the other
  1. Relationships (platonic and otherwise) are the most important factor for life happiness. Married people live longer.
  2. 80% of women who didn’t have kids, didn’t intend to not have kids - the most common reason being that they didn’t find the right partner early enough.
  3. Couples usually go to therapy when it’s too late. Normally, women try changing for years, but the man doesn’t realise, so the situation doesn’t improve, and the woman gives up. When men do finally realise there is a problem and change is needed, they do try to change, but it’s too late - the woman is beyond the threshold. This is why most women initiate divorces.
  4. Most modern therapy is focussed on female solutions - feeling heard and loved - not male ones - actionable solutions to lack of purpose - hence why most men don’t like therapy, but women do.
  5. “In the adult and mated male brain testosterone has dampened their neural development around verbal communication and emotional memory, but their problem-solving circuits stay large and well connected. This can lead to the perception that male brains feel emotions less than female brains, but this isn’t true. When a bonded male brain realises his partner’s upset for instance, it immediately kicks into problem-solving mode. In male-female couples this difference in instinctual responses fuels many conflicts. While a female brain partner might crave communication and connection around her issue, their male brain counterparts aren’t built for that. Their neural networks are hardwired to respond by offering solutions. it’s well intentioned sure, but baffling to a partner who doesn’t understand why they can’t just listen.”
  6. Almost two-thirds of Tinder’s users are already in a relationship - and half don’t even want a date. The platforms have become sources of entertainment and social connection, while providing them with the confidence boost that comes with collecting likes and matches.
  7. Crunching some dating app numbers based on the data. The median man will get 1 like and 0 matches a day; the median woman, 89 and 6. There’s no real solution except be in the top 10% of males.
  8. The “mind reading” part of your brain that can tell what someone is going to do next (relating to trust and detecting cheating/lying etc), shuts down when you’re first in love.
  9. “Oh, it’s not a big deal, it’s just one little thing, not worth having a big argument about it. I’ll just give in.” Well, that seems generous, but it’s a really bad idea. You have to ask yourself, “Are you really, completely, 100% over this? You’re giving in? No animosity? You’re not secretly hoping that maybe they’ll do something for you in return or a little behavior change here or there?” Because if there’s anything at all when you’re giving in that you can feel bad about later, you’re nuking the relationship - you’re creating scar tissue with yourself.
  10. South Korea birth rate = 0.78. 100 parents -> 39 children -> 15 grandchildren -> 6 great-grandchildren. Terrifyingly fast drop.
  11. Chances of pregnancy: female<30, 20% success in first month (so try for 6 months); older, 9 months; by 40, 5%. Chances of miscarriage: female >35, 25%; 40, 50%.
  12. TLDR: Female support for body positivity is at least in-part fuelled deep down by female intrasexual competition, which pushes other women out of the dating pool by discouraging them from losing weight. A recent study published in Personality and Individual Differences found that women who are high in intrasexual competitiveness are more likely to advise women who they perceive as a potential mating threat to cut off more hair, potentially in an attempt to sabotage their attractiveness.
  13. For centuries, elite academic institutions like Oxford and Harvard have been training their students to win arguments but not to discern truth, and in so doing, they’ve created a class of people highly skilled at motivated reasoning. The master-debaters that emerge from these institutions go on to become tomorrow’s elites—politicians, entertainers, and intellectuals.
  14. Not only does intelligence in the service of wokeism lead to one-sided readings of reality, it also leads to the production of pure fiction. For instance, the common myth that black people are underrepresented in film (they’re overrepresented), the common myth that hate crimes are increasing (debunked), the common myth that white people are particularly prejudiced (debunked), and the common myth that rape is not about sex but power (debunked).
  1. At first long cardio exercise is uncomfortable, but after a while the repetitive motion allows you to forget the motor movements (central pattern generators) and you can often feel as if you can go on forever. Stick out the first few minutes.
  2. Caffeine doesn’t wake you up, it blocks the tiredness receptor. It’s painkiller for tiredness. It also raises anxiety and reduces deep sleep.
  3. 100 centenarians’ 100 tips for a life well lived: Curiosity, purpose, laughing, love and family, exercise.
  4. More vigorous inhales = alert; longer exhales = relaxed
  5. The odour of an unrelated fertile men in the absence of regular father smell causes earlier onset of puberty in females (at least in animals).
  6. Children’s brains shaped by their time on tech devices, research to-date shows. The research finds screen time leads to changes in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain, which is the base of executive functions such as working memory and the ability to plan or to respond flexibly to situations. It also finds impacts on the parietal lobe, which helps us to process touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain; the temporal lobe, which is important for memory, hearing and language; and the occipital lobe, which helps us to interpret visual information.
  1. Alistair Urquhart must have lived one of the hardest human existences of the last 100 years, if not the last 1000. Incredible.
  2. The counter-intuitive discovery that air-transported green beans from Kenya could actually account for the emission of less carbon dioxide than British beans. - How the myth of food miles hurts the planet
  3. Complicated systems function predictably according to specific parameters, even if they are incredibly numerous. Complex systems are never fully understood and are therefore impossible to predict with certainty. - [The Attributes] It’s not Complicated, it’s Complex
  4. Adulteration of honey with cheap sugar syrup has been exposed in a new investigation by the European Commission, which found 46% of sampled products were suspected to be fraudulent. Ten honey samples from the UK all failed the tests. They may have been blended or packaged in Britain, but the honey probably originated overseas.

Happy the calf

I created two bots with Poe, one with only the titles, the other with the full content, then asked a few questions.

After analyzing the KB for common themes and topics, I have identified several recurring subjects. Here are the main themes that emerge from the documents:

  1. Business and Entrepreneurship: Several articles explore topics related to business strategies, scaling businesses, and success stories.
  2. Science and Technology: There are articles discussing scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and their implications.
  3. Personal Development and Productivity: The KB contains resources on communication techniques, learning methods, life tips, and self-improvement.
  4. Health and Well-being: There are articles focusing on various aspects of health, including brain development, insulin costs, the impact of technology on children, and the microbiome.
  5. Social Issues and Cultural Commentary: Some documents touch upon multiculturalism, energy security, autonomous driving, and societal challenges.
  6. Environment and Sustainability: A few articles discuss topics such as recycling, alternative energy, and the impact of technology on the environment.

Based on the titles of the media in the provided documents, the kind of person who would choose to view this media can be described as someone who is intellectually curious, open-minded, and interested in a wide range of topics. They have a thirst for knowledge and seek to expand their understanding of the world. They are likely to enjoy exploring different perspectives and discovering new ideas.

This person values personal growth and self-improvement, as indicated by their interest in books and podcasts that offer insights on topics such as negotiation skills, resilience, focus, and leadership. They are interested in understanding human behavior and psychology, as evidenced by their choice of media discussing mental distortions, language, and persuasion.

Additionally, this person is environmentally conscious and concerned about sustainability, as they engage with media related to topics like plastic’s environmental impact, human composting, and reducing waste. They are likely to be interested in scientific advancements and discoveries, such as nanoplastics and their link to Parkinson’s disease, eye health, and vision loss.

Furthermore, this person is interested in diverse subjects, ranging from technology and business to art, history, and culture. They are likely to appreciate media that explores topics like autonomous driving, vertical farming, coffee trade, and the global energy priorities.

Overall, the kind of person who would choose to view this media is intellectually curious, open to exploring various subjects, environmentally conscious, and seeks personal growth and knowledge across a broad range of topics. They are driven by a desire to stay informed, expand their understanding, and make a positive impact on the world.

Based on the titles of the media in the provided documents, the kind of person who would choose to view this media might have a preference for the MBTI type of INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving).

The INTP personality type is known for their intellectual curiosity, love of learning, and their desire to explore a wide range of topics. They have a natural inclination towards knowledge acquisition and enjoy delving into various subjects to satisfy their thirst for understanding. This aligns with the individual’s interest in articles, podcasts, and videos that cover a diverse array of topics, ranging from science and technology to psychology, personal growth, and sustainability.

INTPs are often introspective and tend to value their independence, which is reflected in their preference for solitary activities such as reading articles, watching videos, and listening to podcasts. They are known for their deep thinking and analytical nature, as evidenced by their interest in topics like negotiation strategies, mental distortions, and the power of focus. Their inclination towards critical thinking and logical analysis is also reflected in their engagement with media discussing economics, technology, and business.

Furthermore, INTPs have a natural curiosity about the world and enjoy exploring new ideas and perspectives. They are likely to appreciate media that challenges conventional thinking and offers unique insights. Their interest in topics like sustainability, environmental impact, and scientific advancements also aligns with their desire to understand complex systems and find innovative solutions.

It is important to note that while the media choices suggest a preference for the INTP type, individual preferences and interests can vary. The MBTI type is just one lens through which we can understand personality, and it should not be seen as an absolute determinant of an individual’s media preferences.

Based on the titles of the media in the provided documents, a career that would suit someone with a preference for the INTP MBTI type is one that allows them to engage in intellectual exploration, independent thinking, and problem-solving. Here are some career paths that align with the interests and strengths of an INTP:

Research Scientist: INTPs have a natural curiosity and a love for learning, making them well-suited for careers in scientific research. They can delve into complex subjects, conduct experiments, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in fields such as physics, biology, or chemistry.

Technology Consultant: The interest in technology and its impact on society, as shown in the media titles, suggests that an INTP might thrive in a career as a technology consultant. They can analyze complex systems, offer innovative solutions, and help organizations navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Economist or Financial Analyst: The media titles covering economics and financial topics indicate an affinity for understanding economic systems. INTPs’ analytical and logical thinking abilities make them well-suited for careers in economics or financial analysis, where they can analyze data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions.

Sustainability Consultant: The interest in sustainability and environmental impact suggests that an INTP might find fulfillment in a career as a sustainability consultant. They can analyze environmental challenges, develop strategies for sustainable practices, and contribute to creating a greener future.

Writer or Content Creator: INTPs’ love for learning and exploration can be channeled into a career as a writer or content creator. They can share their knowledge, insights, and perspectives through articles, blog posts, or even creating educational videos or podcasts.

University Professor: Given their intellectual curiosity and love for learning, INTPs might find satisfaction in a career as a university professor. They can engage in research, teach and mentor students, and contribute to the academic community.

Based on the common themes found in the documents, there are several key and repeated learnings that emerge:

  1. Habits and Discipline: Building positive habits and cultivating discipline are essential for personal growth and success. This can be achieved by changing one’s environment, starting small, and focusing on trigger actions.
  2. Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and skill development for growth and mastery. This includes the idea of repetition, drilling, and learning implicitly without it feeling like studying.
  3. Success and Productivity: Success can be a great teacher, and aiming for a high success rate, such as 85%, can lead to growth. Productivity can be enhanced by finding motivation, energy, and fun in tasks, as well as prioritizing high-priority activities.
  4. Relationships and Networking: Building strong relationships and connecting with others is crucial for personal and professional advancement. It is important to put oneself in environments where one can meet and learn from the best people.
  5. Purpose and Happiness: Having a sense of purpose and finding joy in activities that align with one’s passions and values leads to happiness. Staying busy and engaged in meaningful pursuits, such as volunteering, can contribute to a sense of purpose.
  6. Creativity and Originality: Creativity often involves copying and being willing to question and challenge existing rules. Originality can be fostered by exploring and not specializing too early.
  7. Self-reflection and Adaptability: Reflecting on experiences, reassessing based on new information, and being adaptable are important for personal growth and learning. This includes the ability to experiment with new ideas and embrace change.

After reviewing the documents, I have identified the top three most important key learnings that would help someone live a better life:

Cultivating Discipline and Positive Habits: Building positive habits and cultivating discipline are crucial for personal growth and success. It is important to overcome each one-second decision and focus on taking small steps towards our goals. By adopting an organized mindset, such as through meditation and reducing input, we can develop the discipline needed to achieve our aspirations. This will enable us to prove our capabilities through actions rather than mere affirmations.

Continuous Learning and Skill Development: The documents emphasize the significance of continuous learning and skill development for personal growth. By following our curiosity, staying curious, and pursuing our interests, we can derive energy and enjoyment from our work. It is crucial to invest in our knowledge through various means such as reading books, joining groups, and participating in members clubs. Additionally, embracing a mindset of learning and being open to new experiences can lead to mastery and success.

Building Meaningful Relationships and Networking: The importance of building strong relationships and connecting with others is highlighted as a key factor for personal and professional growth. By surrounding ourselves with independently-minded thinkers and seeking out the best people to learn from, we can expand our knowledge and opportunities. Networking and creating meaningful connections can provide valuable insights and support in our journey towards a better life.

Based on the key learnings from the KB, the best way to build meaningful relationships involves the following strategies:

Be Proactive: Meaningful friendships don’t always happen organically in adulthood. It requires proactive effort on our part. Take the initiative to reach out, engage, and connect with others. Attend social events, join communities, and participate in activities that align with your interests. By being proactive, we increase the chances of forming connections with like-minded individuals.

Foster Shared Experiences: Building relationships is facilitated through repeated unplanned interactions and shared vulnerability. Engage in activities that give you the opportunity to bond with others. Invite new people to join you in these activities, creating opportunities for shared experiences and connections to develop. This could be anything from joining a hobby group to participating in community events. The key is to create an environment where people can connect on a deeper level.

Practice Authenticity and Empathy: Authenticity is crucial in building meaningful relationships. Be genuine in your interactions and show a sincere interest in others. Listen actively and empathize with their experiences and perspectives. By demonstrating empathy, you create a safe and supportive environment that fosters trust and deepens connections.

Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: It’s important to remember that it’s not about the number of connections but the quality of those relationships. Focus on building a few close friendships rather than trying to accumulate a large network. Invest your time and energy in nurturing these relationships, as they are more likely to provide fulfillment and support in the long run.

Be a Valuable Resource: Become an expert in a particular field or area of interest. Share your knowledge and insights with others, offering valuable advice and guidance. By positioning yourself as a resource, people will naturally be drawn to you and seek your expertise. This can lead to meaningful connections and potential collaborations.

Cultivate a Positive and Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you. Seek out independently-minded thinkers and those who share similar values and goals. Building relationships within a positive and supportive environment can provide encouragement, motivation, and a sense of belonging.

Building wealth requires a combination of strategies and approaches. Here are some strategies for wealth-building based on the information from the KB:

Invest in Yourself: Instead of solely focusing on stocks and investments, invest in yourself by acquiring valuable skills and knowledge. This can be achieved through self-education, joining groups or clubs, and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who can help you grow.

Create Multiple Streams of Income: Consider starting a service agency company where you can provide valuable services to businesses and take a cut of their new profits. Additionally, explore opportunities on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to offer your skills and expertise to a wider audience.

Take Calculated Risks: Don’t be afraid to take risks when it comes to financial opportunities. In an efficient market, risk is proportionate to reward. Therefore, consider taking calculated risks that have a high expected value. However, it is important to ensure that you can afford the risks you take.

Build Valuable Relationships: Human relationships play a crucial role in wealth-building. Focus on networking, building connections, and providing value to others. By creating meaningful relationships, you increase the chances of finding new opportunities and collaborations that can contribute to your wealth-building journey.

Focus and Specialize: Concentrate on what you can do well and outsource or ignore everything else. By specializing in a particular area or industry, you can become an expert, which can lead to increased demand for your services and potential financial gains.

Embrace Curiosity and Luck: Be curious and open-minded, as luck often plays a role in discovering new opportunities. Try different things, meet new people, read extensively, and ask questions. By being open to new experiences and continuously expanding your knowledge, you increase your chances of encountering fortunate circumstances.

Practice Financial Discipline: Make wise financial decisions by managing your expenses and avoiding unnecessary debt. Leave money on the table by saying no to bad clients or unfavorable business deals. By adopting a disciplined approach to finances, you can maximize your wealth-building potential.

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  • [Modern Wisdom] #578 - Dr Robert Waldinger - Lessons From The World’s Longest Study On Happiness
  • [Acquired] The Playbook: Lessons from 200+ Company Stories
  • The Biggest Global Risks of 2023
  • A startup transforms abandoned wind turbines into useful concrete
  • Circumcision leads to changes in penis microbiome, study finds
  • A new study has discovered the best places to be during a nuclear attack
  • How old batteries will help power tomorrow’s EVs
  • What Not To Write On Your Security Clearance Form
  • 3D-printed hydraulic turbine ‘SETUR’ generates electricity without using blades
  • 3MM: Cynicism, Childlessness & Self-Control
  • [The Attributes] It’s not Complicated, it’s Complex
  • [Undecided with Matt Ferrell] Why This 17-Year Old’s Electric Motor Is Important
  • [CaspianReport] The Middle Corridor to revolutionise global trade
  • [Tyre Reviews] What makes EV tires different, and why should you fit them! / [Engineering Explained] Everything You Need To Know About Electric Car Tires
  • [Bright Insight] Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)
  • Bank of Dave
  • Along with the Gods
  • Exposed: The smear tactics against wind and solar
  • Disguising solar panels as ancient Roman tiles in Pompeii
  • Say Hello To The Floating Farm In Rotterdam
  • A new integrated cost-effective carbon capture and conversion system
  • How A Brick & Rock Battery Is Changing Energy Storage
  • [CleanTechies Podcast] #79 - Re-Engineering the World because the Future is Decarbonized w/ Matt Ward (4Ward.VC)
  • Innovating to net zero: An executive’s guide to climate technology
  • thanks to a ‘crabwalk’ system, this hyundai IONIQ 5 can move sideways and rotate 180°
  • carsized
  • How My Views on Learning Have Changed Over Time
  • Are you a baby? A litmus test
  • New Research Reveals 9 Secrets That Will Make You An Expert Negotiator
  • [Huberman Lab] Jocko Willink: How to Become Resilient, Forge Your Identity & Lead Others
  • What Does Fiber Do, And Do You Need More?
  • 9 Mental Distortions That Are Sabotaging Your Social Life
  • [What’s New With WIRED] Easily Distracted? You Need to Think Like a Medieval Monk
  • [Brave New Earth] E8: Ben Saunders, Polar Caps to Cap Tables: Record Breaking Polar Explorer turned Climate VC
  • [My First Million] WHOOP Founder Will Ahmed: How I Built A $3.6 BILLION Company
  • [Blinkist] Switchcraft by Elaine Fox
  • [Blinkist] The Power of Unwavering Focus by Dandapani
  • A Two-Part Look at: 1. Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises, and 2. How They Apply to What’s Happening Now
  • Why Is Denmark So Rich Despite Huge Taxes?
  • [How I Built This with Guy Raz] Complexly: Hank and John Green
  • [Editor’s Picks from The Economist] Editor’s Picks: January 23rd 2023
  • TikTok May Be A Chinese Superweapon
  • [a16z Podcast] 2023 Big Ideas in Technology (Part 1)
  • [How I Built This with Guy Raz] Tarte Cosmetics: Maureen Kelly
  • The Biogeography of the Oceans
  • The Stickiest Non-Sticky Substance
  • 23 BEST Things I saw in Vegas at CES 2023!
  • [More or Less: Behind the Stats] Coffee with the Chancellor, inflation measures, GP numbers and toilet paper
  • [Modern Wisdom] #581 - Neil deGrasse Tyson - Understanding The Wonders Of Science
  • Stats for Spotify
  • Temperature-sensing building material changes color to save energy
  • Novel adaptation for existing blast furnaces could reduce steelmaking emissions by 90%
  • 10 Mental Models for Learning
  • 5 Habits of Highly Disciplined People - James Clear
  • What the Longest Study on Human Happiness Found is the Key to a Good Life
  • The Secret to Making New Friends as an Adult | Marisa G. Franco | TED
  • 10 Reasons Your Beliefs Are Probably Bullshit
  • [Huberman Lab] Dr. Sara Gottfried: How to Optimize Female Hormone Health for Vitality & Longevity
  • [Huberman Lab] How to Optimize Fertility in Both Males & Females
  • Reduce Anxiety & Stress with the Physiological Sigh | Huberman Lab Quantal Clip
  • [Brave New Earth] E9: Is this the future of food? w. Leo Taylor, Founder of Yum Bug
  • [Founders] #286 Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger speaking directly to you
  • 2023 Trend Report Q4 Edition
  • [The Tim Ferriss Show] #653: Elan Lee, Co-Creator of Exploding Kittens
  • This one-page calendar will change how you view the year
  • Playback of flight 5Y747
  • Initial D AE86 wireless mouse
  • energy-harvesting carbon nanotube yarn generates electricity when stretched or twisted
  • Researchers Create Hydrogen From Seawater Without Pre-Treatment
  • Ultra-Thin Solar Panel Coatings
  • Carbon Removal Startup InPlanet Raises €1.2m In Pre-Seed Funding To Scale Enhanced Rock Weathering Projects
  • Visualized: The EV Mineral Shortage
  • [Climate Vision 2050] Sustainability at 36 000 Feet
  • Your Head is a Houseboat - Campbell Walker
  • This Ingenious System Could Guarantee Public Pensions Worldwide
  • [Brave New Earth] E10: Joel Silverman, Founder of Kids Know Best
  • [The Art of Manliness] #226: The Success Equation
  • [How I Built This with Guy Raz] Zumiez: Tom Campion
  • [More or Less: Behind the Stats] The IMF and the UK economy, NHS staff shortages and British vs English
  • Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution - Uri Levine
  • [Sliced Bread] Painkillers
  • A Danish wind turbine giant just discovered how to recycle all blades
  • Vertical solar panels could save farm land and transform agriculture
  • [Redefining Energy] 92. Who’s winning the battery arms race?
  • [CleanTechies Podcast] Carbon Capture Paint, Gigaton Scale, & Landing ClimateTech Pilot Projects w/ Beth & Steve McDaniel
  • [CleanTechies Podcast] From 30% to 90% Li Recovery, Founding a ClimateTech Co, & Talent Moat w/ Teague Egan (EnergyX)
  • [My Climate Journey] Startup Series: Impossible Metals
  • Why Smart People Hold Stupid Beliefs
  • Part 2 of a Two-Part Look at: 1. Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises, and 2. How These Principles Apply to What’s Happening Now
  • Eliminating Cash: A Great or Terrible Idea?
  • Investing STILL Won’t Make You Rich (Probably)
  • Bullshit Jobs - David Graeber
  • [The Jordan Harbinger Show] 786: Mitch Lowe | Lessons in Disruption Part One
  • Ray Dalio’s 2023 Country Power Index
  • Magenta: The colour that doesn’t exist
  • Toyota Creates All-Electric Drift Car From Classic “Hachi-Roku”
  • [Tech and Science Daily | Evening Standard] The Science of Love | Valentine’s Day
  • [The Tim Ferriss Show] #655: In Case You Missed It: January 2023 Recap of “The Tim Ferriss Show”
  • MIT team makes a case for direct carbon capture from seawater, not air
  • UK fights energy crisis with ‘world’s first’ shared rooftop panels
  • Wind-Powered Cargo Ships Are the Future: Debunking 4 Myths That Stand in the Way of Cutting Emissions
  • This startup uses grass to build energy-efficient building panels
  • Mobilize Duo, an electric car to rent
  • [The Art of Manliness] Throw a 2-Hour Cocktail Party That Can Change Your Life
  • [Huberman Lab] How Meditation Works & Science-Based Effective Meditations | Episode 96
  • [Modern Wisdom] #592 - Richard Shotton - 8 Fascinating Psychological Biases
  • [How I Built This with Guy Raz] Osprey Packs: Mike Pfotenhauer
  • [How I Built This with Guy Raz] HIBT Lab! Boom Supersonic: Blake Scholl
  • TH 101 Better & Faster
  • Clarkson’s Farm
  • Aggretsuko
  • Materials breakthrough: An anti-corrosive polymer that self-heals and is recyclable
  • Recapturing excess heat could power most of Europe, say experts
  • The race to decarbonize electric-vehicle batteries
  • NREL Scientists Find More Eureka Moments, Patent Activity Climbs In FY ’22
  • Li-Cycle Scores $375 Million DOE Battery Recycling Development Loan
  • Breakthrough study shows seabirds avoid turbines
  • [Uncomfortable Conversations with Josh Szeps] “Predictions Of A Scientific Futurist” with Dr Catherine Ball
  • Trend Hunter’s Innovation Assessment
  • ‘Keep your eyes open – and leap into the future’: 100 centenarians’ 100 tips for a life well lived
  • 4 Hour Chef - Tim Ferriss (Audiobook)
  • Creativity is Productivity
  • [Huberman Lab] How to Breathe Correctly for Optimal Health, Mood, Learning & Performance
  • [The Jordan Harbinger Show] 803: Martin Seligman | Flourishing in an Uncertain Future
  • [Sliced Bread] Mattresses
  • Mapped: The Price of Starbucks Coffee, by Country
  • What’s the most positive or negative religion? — Sentiment and Data Analysis of Holy Books with R
  • Applying Sentiment Analysis to the Bible
  • Shifting Skills, Moving Targets, and Remaking the Workforce
  • [Brave New Earth] E11: Amory Poulden, Founder of D2
  • Everybody Lies - Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
  • Number of UK postcodes which only have one household
  • Ranked: Biotoxins in Nature, by Lethal Dose
  • How to Make Coffee Without the Beans
  • [The Jordan Harbinger Show] 801: Circumcision | Skeptical Sunday
  • New membrane generates electricity while filtering wastewater
  • Generating electricity from air? Scientists discover energy enzyme
  • [Inside Octopus Energy] Ep 15: Zero Bills homes: Getting rid of energy bills for good
  • Cooling Our Cities Without Air Conditioning
  • This New Material Absorbs Three Times More CO2 Than Current Carbon Capture Tech
  • This Interactive Chart Shows Changes in the World’s Top 10 Emitters
  • Charted: Global Energy Consumption by Source, and Carbon Emissions (1900-2021)
  • [Lex Fridman Podcast] #364 – Chris Voss: FBI Hostage Negotiator
  • [Modern Wisdom] #599 - Adam Lane Smith - 15 Harsh Psychology Truths
  • The Female Brain / The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine
  • These are the 4 skills you’ll need in the workplace of the future
  • From Barbie to Airlines: The Business Method to Charge the Richest People More
  • [Brave New Earth] E14: Christian Samuel, Founder of Roots Allotments
  • ‘Good luck’: Metal detectorists find 2,000-year-old statue with giant penis
  • For years, the Vatican referred to capybaras as “fish”
  • Bikla
  • ChatGPT invented its own puzzle game.
  • Rare surgery: Unborn twin removed from brain of 1-year-old in China
  • New vocal cords on a chip can let mute people speak
  • I Drove EVERY Nissan GT-R
  • BBC Global News Podcast The Happy Podcast
  • This Farm Aims to Use Salmon Waste to Boost the Growth Of Kelp
  • Charted: The Global Plastic Waste Trade
  • In pursuit of lunar oxygen, firm discovers recipe for net-zero steel
  • Toilet Paper and Climate Change: NRDC’s Updated “Issue With Tissue” Ranks Brands on Sustainability
  • That rocks: Study estimates novel rock crushing process could capture 0.5 per cent of global CO2
  • Gardens vs Nature
  • 10 Types of Innovation: The Art of Discovering a Breakthrough Product
  • How the Housing Market Screwed Young People
  • Why Is the European Economy Sinking?
  • ASPI’s Critical Technology Tracker
  • Solar Panels Floating on Reservoirs Could Provide a Third of the World’s Electricity
  • More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas
  • 6 Ways To Remove Carbon Pollution From The Atmosphere
  • Foxconn Wants To Manufacture Half Of All Electric Cars
  • Newly Developed Automatic Charging Robot (ACR) For Electric Vehicles l Hyundai Motor Group
  • Italian electric motorcycle maker to integrate its tech into aviation
  • ‘Green-life technology’: Biodegradable, recyclable glass is finally here
  • World’s first solar panel ‘carpet’ on railway tracks may generate electricity
  • The vertical farming bubble is finally popping
  • 40 Mind-Expanding Concepts (Spring 2023)
  • Visualized: The Head of State of Each Country, by Age and Generation
  • Visualizing 90 Years of Stock and Bond Portfolio Performance
  • Visualizing the Link Between Unemployment and Recessions
  • [Behind the Money] Martin Wolf on why banks fail and what to do about it
  • The Business of Street Coffee
  • Largest GPS drawing by bicycle (team)
  • Oxfam‘s bizarre’ language guide says sorry for using English and warns staff not to use words like ‘mother and people’
  • These Researchers Have Created A New Kind Of Paint Without Any Pigments
  • Happy the calf set to live his life bringing smiles to faces after sale to Victorian field day event
  • Britain Remade’s Powerbook: A Playbook for Energy Security by 2030
  • The road to autonomous driving is winding
  • What is a 15-minute city and why is the idea so controversial?
  • ‘Human composting,’ already legal in 6 states, could help the planet: ‘Young people are going to teach us to die better’
  • Seaweed Is Having Its Moment in the Sun
  • All UK honey tested in EU fraud investigation fails authenticity test
  • Corporate Nonsense Continues To Harm Productivity And Corporate Culture
  • Stepping up: Becoming a high-potential CEO candidate
  • The age of average
  • Essentialism - Greg McKeown (Blinkist)
  • [The James Altucher Show] Mastering the Magic of Language: Insights on Persuasion and Connection
  • [Discovery] The Case of The Blind Man’s Eye
  • [The High Performance Podcast] E185 - Keir Starmer: My learnings from life, loss and love
  • Edward Dando
  • 100 Tips for a Better Life
  • 80 UK Climate Tech Startups To Know
  • This hypersonic hydrogen jet takes 4 hours to fly from Europe to Australia
  • New Company Promises To Speed Up Mini-EV Manufacturing
  • Putting an autonomous vehicle to the test in downtown London
  • Scotland to launch the world’s first self-driving commuter bus fleet
  • Less Cars, More Money: My Visit to the City of the Future
  • Research estimates EV drivers could earn billions of pounds selling power back to the grid
  • NaaS offers a new smart charging solution for electric vehicles
  • Swedish renewables giant will use wooden wind turbines to lower emissions
  • This new technique could cut cement GHG emissions by 30%
  • These New Floating Homes Have Been Designed To Rest Weightlessly On Water
  • Consumer Products From Plastic Waste
  • Why This May Be the Future of Plastic Recycling
  • Battery & Solar Recycling Marches On In March
  • Lithium recycling: Researchers find a pocket and eco-friendly way
  • The New Light Is Bad
  • New coconut, lemon material could be used to heat and cool our homes
  • New rainbow films offer eco-friendly option for AC units, can cool your house and car
  • Pulsing sound waves can help remove microplastics from ocean, study reveals
  • The Algae Phoenix Rises: Biofuel Down, Concrete Up
  • Research Confirms Risks Of Deep Sea Mining Are Greater Than The Rewards
  • [The Big Green Money Show] Medicines and Healthcare, with GSK
  • This Gadget Helps Keep Honeybee Colonies Warm During Cold Snaps
  • This New Device Can Cheaply Detect Cancer In Blood Samples
  • Scientists find promising antibiotic-resistant bacteria treatment — gold
  • [Sliced Bread] Sourdough
  • Terrifying Footage Shows A Car Getting Launched Into The Air By A Loose Tire On A Highway
  • Newly discovered ’einstein’ tile is a 13-sided shape that solves a decades-old math problem
  • How The Benner Cycle Predicts 100+ Years of Market Movement
  • Companies by SIC section and turnover size
  • [a16z Podcast] Turning Nothing Into Something: Breaking Into Hardware
  • Everything is a Remix (Complete Updated 2023 Edition)
  • How Daft Punk Got The Sample For ‘One More Time’
  • Free Guy
  • World Car Awards - 2023 Voting Results
  • Genesis unveils innovative and hassle-free Plug & Charge program for electric vehicle (EV) customers
  • NIO battery swap: faster than any EV rapid charger! – DrivingElectric
  • How Corporations Use Carbon Offsets to Pollute More - Distilled
  • UK regulator slams Etihad Airways for ‘exaggerating’ eco-credentials in ads
  • Climate change to increase lifetime of space pollution
  • A new tiny bio-battery could provide power for a century or more
  • China: ‘World’s largest’ iron-chromium flow battery set for commercial use
  • Japanese Rail Workers Build Adorable Track Underpasses For Turtles
  • 2023 Levelized Cost Of Energy+
  • Solarge Debuts Lightweight Fully Recyclable Solar Panels
  • A new microwave technology can ease solar cell recycling
  • Pedro Pascal as IPCC assessment reports and iconic figures: a thread
  • Scientists Isolate Microbes That Eat Carbon Dioxide
  • This eco-friendly concrete uses biochar to suck out carbon dioxide
  • ‘Smart Plastic’ Material is Step Forward Toward Soft, Flexible Robotics and Electronics
  • Our understanding of reverse osmosis has just been proven wrong
  • Insects As Food – Europe Approves Three Types
  • [People Fixing the World] The hidden powers of bacteria
  • Novel wound dressing changes colour when it detects an infection
  • Where We Are in the Big Cycle: On the Brink of a Period of Great Disorder
  • The Most Bizarre Economics Research Ever? - Economics Explained Essentials
  • Why Kangaroos are Scarier Than You Think - Real Science
  • What’s our Problem - Tim Urban
  • Classical Trancelations in Concert 2018
  • Hyundai Mobis’ e-Corner system technology has hit the streets
  • How NASA Reinvented The Wheel
  • Big Oil Profits Reached Record High Levels in 2022
  • Shell admits 1.5C climate goal means immediate end to fossil fuel growth
  • Airlines want you to buy carbon offsets. Experts say they’re a ‘scam.’
  • Glass or plastic: which is better for the environment?
  • What does the EU’s new deforestation law mean for climate and biodiversity?
  • Jellyfish-inspired robot can gently remove ocean waste without harming marine life
  • Visualizing the Biomass of All the World’s Mammals
  • Context-Based Market Entry Strategies For Startups - FourWeekMBA
  • Marketing vs Sales and the Death/Dead Zone - FourWeekMBA
  • [The Documentary Podcast] Murder in Mayfair
  • Right Here, Right Now Sample Source
  • Why is this Propeller Getting So Much Attention?
  • The Cure to Misinformation is More Misinformation
  • Which Jobs Will Be Most Impacted by ChatGPT?
  • These Skills and Jobs Will Be Most in Demand as AI Churns the Market
  • What I Think Is Going On 1) with China-US Relations, 2) with Their Relations with Other Countries, and 3) in China
  • Why the Brain’s Connections to the Body Are Crisscrossed
  • The Modern World Is Aging Your Brain
  • AI-generated beer commercial contains joyful monstrosities, goes viral
  • This Genius Shape-Shifting Wing is the Future of Flight
  • NIO: 10 Billion Kilometers, 20 Million Battery Swaps
  • None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use
  • An A to Z Of Fossil Fuel Industry Deception
  • Yet Another Problem With Recycling: It Spews Microplastics
  • Newly discovered Arctic microbes may make recycling plastics carbon-neutral
  • Captura facility could remove gigatons of carbon dioxide from the ocean
  • Reusable sponge can remove heavy-metal pollutants from water, resulting in safe, drinkable water
  • Whole. to bolster WINX technology with $1.5m raise
  • Why Lightbulbs Might Be The Best Invention Ever
  • [Modern Wisdom] #626 - Richard Shotton - 8 Psychology Hacks Behind The World’s Biggest Businesses
  • Why kids don’t get as cold as adults
  • The Insane Biology of: Slime Mold
  • The Tokay Lizard (fuck you lizard)
  • Why Kiribati Is Always In The Future
  • Farmland practices are driving bird population decline across Europe
  • LobbyFacts - exposing lobbying in the European institutions
  • The 2023 crony-capitalism index
  • BT to axe up to 55,000 jobs by 2030 as it pushes into AI
  • Why is Inflation Worse in the UK than the EU?
  • China overtakes Japan as world’s top car exporter
  • So… What’s up with Damon Motorcycles?
  • UCLA Says We Can Hack The Ocean To Store Carbon Dioxide
  • What Drives This Madness On Hydrogen?
  • The Freaky Chemistry of Landfills
  • Sun-Mimicking Smart Fridges
  • [The Art of Manliness] The Art and Science of Getting Unstuck
  • Map of GitHub
  • Prieto Introduces Battery That Charges In 3 Minutes
  • Scientists Working to Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough
  • Open Net Zero
  • Offsetting | Climate Change Comedy
  • Scar Tissues Make Relationships Wear Out
  • 10 Thoughts From the Fourth Trimester
  • The Math behind QR code, what happens inside there?
  • BS22 8EW
  • [The Leader | Evening Standard daily] The sour truth of Oxford Street’s candy shop curse
  • How bankruptcy helps the coal industry avoid environmental liability
  • [Behind the Money] Best Of: Inside Johnson & Johnson’s bankruptcy two-step
  • Charted: The Number of Democracies Globally
  • Airships, AI and Alan Cumming: Tim Answers Your Questions | Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford
  • Charted: The World’s Aging Population from 1950 to 2100
  • Comparing Population Pyramids Around the World
  • Wikipedia had the wrong Vatican City flag for years. Now incorrect flags are everywhere
  • The Flying Train… yes this was a real idea
  • I Learned 167 Skills in 3 Years, Can I Still Do Them?
  • Geography Now! UNITED KINGDOM
  • [Sliced Bread] Reusable Nappies
  • Study: Solar farms can be ‘wildlife havens’
  • How a floating hydrogen farm has moved China closer to clean renewable energy
  • Why Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants Us To Focus On “Pollution” Rather Than “Climate Change”
  • Hydrogen Can Make Global Heating Worse, CICERO Study Shows
  • Newly developed photocatalytic concrete could help roads clean up air pollution
  • MarinaTex - a home compostable alternative to plastic film
  • Coca-Cola and plastic waste | DW Documentary
  • UK watchdog bans Shell, Repsol and Petronas greenwashing ads
  • The Fastest Rising Asset Classes in 2023
  • Mapped: The Growth in House Prices by Country
  • [The Innovation Show] Sven Smit - Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick
  • [Founders] #117 The most inspiring autobiography I’ve read: Chung Ju-yung the Founder of Hyundai
  • [Founders] #141 Arnold Schwarzenegger: My Unbelievably True Life Story
  • Mapped: The State of Economic Freedom in 2023
  • Wall Street has a new favourite phrase and it’s utterly nauseating
  • [The Art of Manliness] Magician’s Secrets for Becoming More Commanding, Convincing, And Charismatic
  • Most EVIL Experiments in the History of Mankind
  • Superbugs will struggle to evolve resistance to unusual new antibiotic
  • [Sliced Bread] Outdoor Clothing
  • The Fastest train ever built | The complete physics of it
  • The Most Useful Numbers You’ve Never Heard Of
  • Glastonbury’s ‘biggest fan’: UK festival gets an eye-catching 28 metre wind turbine
  • How the myth of food miles hurts the planet
  • Microplastics are now in the air we breathe – can we stop them?
  • This wafer-thin intelligent heating system warms your house in seconds
  • 10-Year Annualized Forecasts for Major Asset Classes
  • [The Innovation Show] Charles Conn - The Imperfectionists
  • [Founders] #32 Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built
  • Always the Same Warning Signs
  • Why There Aren’t Diesel Motorcycles
  • Why America Is Terribly Designed (Part 2)
  • Why is @ on your computer keyboard?
  • Cursed Units
  • Lotus Elise reimagined as a sporty EV that can fully charge in 6 minutes
  • Life Cycle Emissions: EVs vs. Combustion Engine Vehicles
  • Interactive: Comparing Carmaker Revenue vs. Country GDP
  • Cool Roof Technology Could Eliminate Billions Of Tons Of Carbon Dioxide
  • Can British seaweed farms bloom?
  • What REALLY happens to ‘Recycled’ Glass?! - (you might be surprised)
  • How South Korea Puts Its Food Scraps to Good Use
  • [The Innovation Show] David Cutler - The GAME of Innovation
  • [Thinkers & Ideas] Magic Words with Jonah Berger
  • 40 Mind-Expanding Concepts (Summer 2023)
  • [The Documentary Podcast] South Korea: A room with a view
  • [More or Less: Behind the Stats] Mortgages, birth rates and does space contribute 18% to UK GDP?
  • Countries That Changed Their Location
  • Arnold
  • Black Mirror
  • The world’s most liveable cities in 2023
  • Ranked: The World’s Most Competitive Countries (2019-2023)
  • UK Green Business Awards: And the winner is…
  • Four non-transmission solutions for clean energy with new power lines in the permitting ‘Valley of Death’
  • Land squeeze
  • China is installing the world’s largest wind turbine enough to power 25,000 households
  • Why plastic-eating enzymes are in fashion with Lululemon, Patagonia, Stella McCartney and Puma
  • As plastics pile up, can ‘advanced’ recycling cut the waste?
  • Europe’s Inflation Outlook Depends on How Corporate Profits Absorb Wage Gains
  • Ranking Industries by Their Potential for AI Automation
  • xkcd: Alphabet Notes
  • Yorkshire grandad breaks world land speed record using his water powered motorbike invention that took 10 years to build in his shed
  • 1,546 miles: Guinness World Record for distance traveled by a hydrogen car on a single tank
  • Revealed: London’s red-hot property postcodes, and where to look for discounts
  • How Luxury Cars Rip You Off
  • [More or Less: Behind the Stats] Halving inflation, Scottish tidal power and have 1 in 3 women had an abortion?
  • [Gadget Lab: Weekly Tech News from WIRED] Our Clothes Are Making Us Sick
  • [Founders] #269 Am I Being Too Subtle?: Straight Talk From a Business Rebel The Autobiography of Sam Zell
  • [The Tim Ferriss Show] #680: Richard Koch — Revisiting the 80/20 Principle, The Power of Optimistic Journaling, Studying History to Improve Investing, and The Grand Beliefs of Winners
  • Every Noise at Once
  • Discover Quickly
  • Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story - Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • [People Fixing the World] The power of a backstory
  • [The Art of Manliness] Master Microtransitions to Improve the Happiness, Success, and Flow of Your Life
  • [Huberman Lab] Dr. Jeffery Goldberg: How to Improve Your Eye Health & Offset Vision Loss
  • [Huberman Lab] Science-Supported Tools to Accelerate Your Fitness Goals
  • The Perfect Road for a Square Wheel and How to Design It
  • The rich are different: Unravelling the perceived and self-reported personality profiles of high-net-worth individuals
  • The 50 Best One-Year Returns on the S&P 500 (1980-2022)
  • New battery-cooling technology means EV charging in under four minutes for student racing team
  • INNengine’s e-REX motor offers highly-efficient, 1-stroke engine technology
  • How Many Things Must One Analyst Get Wrong In Order To Proclaim A Convenient Decarbonization Minerals Shortage?
  • [The High Performance Podcast] E203 - Tessa Clarke: What YOU can do to save the world
  • This energy efficient technology turns fallen leaves into paper
  • Penn State’s New LionGlass Is 10X Tougher & Has Half The Carbon Emissions
  • 7 cool sustainable packages to try: Edible cups, bamboo lip balm tubes and more
  • The sticker that helps cut food waste | World Economic Forum
  • Mapped: Meat Consumption By Country and Type
  • Water cremation will be available for the first time in the UK
  • The Broken Economics of the Oceans
  • The Insane Biology of: The Sunfish
  • Almost two-thirds of Tinder’s users are already in a relationship - and half don’t even want a date
  • Why is North up?
  • Can Chess, with Hexagons?
  • BMW Motorrad ConnectedRide Sunglasses
  • Why Dark Mode Reduces Your Productivity
  • How Trees Bend the Laws of Physics
  • [Sliced Bread] Mosquito Repellents
  • 6-Year Retrospective On Chinese Electric Cars. How Did I Do?
  • Ushering in the Next Generation of Climate Technology
  • Dragonfly wings used to design lighter, stronger and ‘greener’ Boeing 777 wings
  • SpoGomi
  • 2024 Trend Report
  • Why Men Get So Few Matches on Dating Apps
  • How top performers outpace peers in sales productivity
  • 7 Japanese Concepts That Can Improve Your Life
  • Gen Z Are Freezing Their Eggs. Why?
  • A few things to know before stealing my 914
  • Making Renewable, Infinitely Recyclable Plastics Using Bacteria
  • Butterfly flight inspires researchers to explore new ways to create force and electricity
  • How ancient ‘skywells’ are keeping Chinese homes cool
  • ClientEarth Impact in 2023
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  • [The James Altucher Show] The Ultimate Guide to Making Good Decisions
  • Could You Be in One of These 8 Psychological Traps?
  • 8 Life-Changing Questions To Ask Yourself
  • The Pathologization Pandemic
  • Burning Sun - BBC Sounds
  • South Korean POWs abandoned for decades in North Korea
  • xkcd: Bad Map Projection: ABS(Longitude)
  • Crinkle Crankle Calculus
  • Trend Compendium 2050: Six megatrends will shape the next decades
  • National Risk Register 2023
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  • MIT engineers developed a new type of concrete that can store energy
  • These moisture-sucking materials could transform air conditioning
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  • The Plan to Build an Island Using Only Electricity
  • Greenhushing, explained: Why companies have stopped talking about their climate pledges
  • Revealed: Fossil Fuel Giants Are Using British Influencers to go Viral
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  • TU/e students develop zero emissions car that actually captures CO₂ from the air as it drives
  • U.S. Department of Energy Releases 2023 Critical Materials Assessment to Evaluate Supply Chain Security for Clean Energy Technologies
  • New photoreactor technology could pave the way to a carbon-neutral future, researchers say
  • Enabling renewable energy with battery energy storage systems
  • Creating food out of thin air
  • The Era of Ultracheap Stuff Is Under Threat
  • Visualizing the Global Population by Water Security Levels
  • Are you a growth leader? The seven beliefs and behaviors that growth leaders share
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  • The Darkest Truths About Life
  • Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023
  • How Do We Inventory the Materials Needed To Build Wind and Solar Farms?
  • Australian company secures $700,000 deal for carbon capture and storage machine
  • The farmers boosting crops with electricity
  • [The Jordan Harbinger Show] 875: Jonathan Kennedy | How Pathogens Have Shaped Our World
  • F1 Animated! The 2023 Season So Far
  • Biggest Little Farm
  • A Sustainable Solution: Compostable Wind Turbine Blades
  • How To Be Successful
  • Musk’s Razor Explained: “The most entertaining outcome is the most likely.”
  • How to sabotage your salary negotiations efforts before you even start
  • Visualizing the Future Global Economy by GDP in 2050
  • Visualizing All of China’s Trade Partners
  • The Power of the Third Space: How to Set Yourself up for Success for the Next Thing in Life
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  • [Founders] #318 Alistair Urquhart
  • Why You Are Probably An NPC
  • China’s blueprint for an alternative world order
  • Did People Used To Look Older?
  • 3D-Printed “Living Material” Could Clean Up Contaminated Water
  • ‘Swikini’ and self-cleaning path among UK inventions in 2022
  • Bees that are trained to detect bombs
  • Visualized: How Much Metal is Used in Clean Energy Technology?
  • [The James Altucher Show] How to Pivot Your Life Multiple Times | Bruce Feiler
  • Why the electric vehicle battery race needs a recycling revolution
  • Why the UK’s tax system is broken
  • Math Magic
  • [The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey] Your Home Is Making You Sick: Biohack Your Living Space with Toxin Testing - Ryan Blaser : 1082
  • 30 days on how mushrooms can save the planet
  • True-zero emissions cement gets ASTM approval
  • Insane Benefits of Ocean Farming
  • The GENIUS Rule-Bending of the Volvo 850 Estate Touring Car!
  • [Modern Wisdom] #683 - Shaan Puri - 7 Semi-Controversial Rules For Success
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  • The City Street With FOUR Names
  • Mapped: Most Searched-For Electric Vehicles by Country
  • Material Would Allow Users to ‘Tune’ Windows to Block Targeted Wavelengths of Light
  • A new coating cools your house and warms it up when needed
  • Spider silk is spun by silkworms for the first time, offering a green alternative to synthetic fibers
  • How Medellin is beating the heat with green corridors
  • Noise-canceling robots to ‘mute’ loud conversations in cafe
  • The drawing advice that changed my life
  • In Search of Greatness
  • Ranked: The World’s Top 10 Automotive Exporters (2000-2022)
  • How Did Gogoro Go From Stealth Startup To Global Battery-Swapping Leader in Just Over A Decade?
  • Tire Dust Makes Up the Majority of Ocean Microplastics, Study Finds
  • Are plastic-eating worms the solution to plastic waste?
  • A Revelation About Trees Is Messing With Climate Calculations
  • [Huberman Lab] Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations
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  • 3MM: Body Positivity, Birth Control & Beliefs - Chris Williamson
  • there’dn’t’ve
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  • Medicines Made From Plants
  • Food Matching: the Right Food for Different Constitutions
  • Liebreich: ‘Oil sector is lobbying for inefficient hydrogen cars because it wants to delay electrification’
  • BRB w/ Nathan P – Microbial Suncreens
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  • Ranked: The World’s Most Sustainable Economies in 2023
  • A brave seabird’s 11 hour, 712-mile-long journey through a typhoon
  • Sunblocks provide a false sense of security leading to more cancers
  • Cutting Plastic Lids - The Good Cup
  • Niron Magnetics Clean Earth Magnet
  • A Primer on Circadian Rhythms
  • I made an F1 ELO Engine. Who’s highest rated?
  • Gore-Tex is a Marketing Gimmick
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  • [My First Million] How I’ve Sold $1 Billion In Products Online (A Marketing Masterclass)
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  • Animation: Stock Market vs. GDP Share, by Country (1900-2022)
  • Charted: The Number of North Korean Defectors (1998-2023)
  • How to Buy a Business for $0 in a Week
  • Why did a dog in Newmarket end up nursing a litter of kittens?
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  • From £2m to £200m: how to scale a people business
  • Marches show UK multiculturalism has failed
  • [My First Million] Business Brainstorm: AG1 For Dogs, Sexy Sweaty Startups & Luxury Newsletters
  • Scientists found hundreds of toxic chemicals in recycled plastics
  • Tired of ‘hacks?’ Here are 20 of the best life tips sourced from 21.9 million real people.
  • Charted: The Average Cost of Insulin By Country
  • The Feynman Learning Technique
  • The 15 People Who Most Influenced My Thinking About Learning (Part I)
  • Charted: Hours Worked vs. Salaries in OECD Countries
  • Children’s brains shaped by their time on tech devices, research to-date shows
  • Nanoplastics Promote Conditions for Parkinson’s Across Various Lab Models
  • 6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person
  • 15 Years of Money Lessons in 5 Minutes
  • Coffee grounds may hold key to preventing neurodegenerative diseases
  • Speech is really SBEECH!
  • If Americans Can Find North Korea on a Map, They’re More Likely to Prefer Diplomacy
  • How Much Horsepower is a Horse?
  • [The Jordan Harbinger Show] 924: Chris DeArmitt | Rethinking Plastic’s Environmental Impact
  • The world’s first drive system concept | Universal Wheel Drive System
  • Visualizing the Global Coffee Trade by Country
  • Visualizing the Top Energy Priorities of Major Countries
  • Lid-Free Biodegradable Cups
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  • Recession Risk: Which Sectors are Least Vulnerable?
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  • The SAT Question Everyone Got Wrong
  • Be lucky - it’s an easy skill to learn
  • The boardroom drama behind Gymshark, one of the UK’s fastest-growing companies
  • How Your Birth Month Impacts Your Success
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  • From Unicorns to Zombies: Tech Start-Ups Run Out of Time and Money
  • Why the USA Couldn’t Invade North Korea
  • [Sliced Bread] Bedding
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  • Your stuff is actually worse now
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  • Visualized: The Top S&P 500 Stocks Over 20 Years
  • The Events that Defined 2023: Visualized



  • The Jordan Harbinger Show
  • No Such Thing as a Fish
  • Founders
  • My First Million
  • Modern Wisdom


  • The Wall (John Lanchester)
  • Saga, Compendium One (Brian K Vaughan)
  • Your Head is a Houseboat (Campbell Walker)


  • Suzume
  • Past Lives
  • Bank of Dave
  • Plane
  • Shutter Island


So many…

  • Biting Elbows - Bad Motherfucker
  • NewJeans - Super Shy
  • RADWIMPS - Suzume
  • Paramore - The Only Exception
  • Miike Snow - Black & Blue (Netsky Remix)


  • Ricky & Morty S07
  • Fleabag
  • Our Flag Means Death S01
  • Love, Death + Robots
  • The Last of Us
  • Black Mirror S06E01


  • Arnold
  • The Biggest Little Farm
  • My Old School